Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Powerpoint.. How great are these?

So I have just created a powerpoint on Fractions that I wish I had made last week when I gave my first lesson during my second day on EPL. I know, I was a little gobsmacked when my Mentor Teachers asked me to give a lesson on my second day!

The lesson itself went great, I have the benefit of working with some great kids who are in the Special Education department at the school I am teaching at. The kids are very hands on and visual learners and I only wish that I had made this powerpoint in time to be able to use it.

The benefits of incorporating a powerpoint presentation into learning are numerous. Namely it enables the teacher or Learning Manager to highlight key points and attribute visual representations that can engage the learners.

Please take a look at my powerpoint. I have tailored it to suit the class that I gave the lesson for and I plan on implementing this again in the near future to gauge how well my learners are able to retain information and also to refine my own methods of teaching.

Happy learning!


  1. Hi Sam,

    Loved your powerpoint. I also had to do a lesson on my second day! I will be doing one on fractions in a couple of weeks, but next week is art, sose and maths ( odds and even numbers revision) for year 4. What grade have you got

  2. Hi Megan, thanks I tried to keep it to the context I taught my lesson but also broadened some of the extension learning areas.

    My kids (haha referring to them as my own already) are ranging from grade 5 to 7. The lesson I gave was for grade 7 boys. They have really made it such a pleasure to be there. Normally the kids with special needs don't cope well with changes, but my MTs have been incredibly surprised at their response to me. They really love having me there and have been so great for me when I have been working with them. My MT teachers during the lesson were quite surprised when I redirected their focus back to the lesson that they did without the slightest fuss, practically unheard of! Made me smile for the rest of the day.

  3. Hi Sam,
    I too thought your powerpoint was great. This is a great way to teach fractions, because the content is there and there would be opportunities for the kids to ask questions along the way ... good job.

    Glad to hear your EPL went well, so did mine. I am lucky enough to be going to a year 2 net PD next week for one of my days.

    Hope it all continues to go well.

    Sam Martyn

  4. Thanks Sam. I think the KISS principle is something I am really trying to keep focussed on. Keep It Simple Sam. If the content is there and there is enough room for some tangents and interaction between the learners and the teachers then I don't know how we can go wrong. I must admit though I was worried that my powerpoint doesn't have all the bells and whistles. But I think it works just the same. Thanks for the encouragement!

    Glad to hear your EPL is going well too. It really is great to be able to start putting all of this work into practice.

    Hope things keep going smoothly.

