Sunday, April 25, 2010

School playground ...

School playground ...
Originally uploaded by berik
After having a play around on Flickr I have found this great picture of a sign in a Darwin school. One way to discourage kids from playing where they shouldn't.

I love the versatility of Flickr and believe this would be a great way to get classes to write narratives using stimuli for the basis of their stories. The Learning Manager could hunt through Flickr and find a photo and present it to their class and get them to create a story based on what they see.

I would also love to use Flickr in art projects. Give the students topics and then get them to go out into the world and take a photo of the topic. Once all of the photos are gathered a gallery can be made for them all to be put into.


  1. Hi Samantha,

    I love your idea for using a photo from Flickr as stimulus for creative writing. My Mentor Teacher does "Quick Writes" with her class where she will write something on the board, e.g. I opened the door to Grandma's attic..., and then ask the students to write for 20 minutes. Some of the work produced is amazing! I think using a photo as stimulus would be a great extension of this activity, as all students would see and perceive different things based on their own personal experiences, and the classroom discussion that follows could be quite an eye opener!

    Great idea - I'm going to suggest it to my MT next week!

    Thanks for sharing this and for your comment on my Blog.

    Natalie Arthur

  2. Hey Natalie,

    Just wondering how did the creative writing go? Did you get to use a Flickr photo as a stimulus?

    Would love to hear what your MT thought of the idea.

