Sunday, March 21, 2010

Week Three....copious overtime at work and uni studies. DO NOT MIX

So this week started with a ridiculous amount of overtime at work which invariably made time to actually study next to impossible. But many late nights and the aide of toothpicks to keep my eyes open, I got through.

Surprisingly I even managed to comprehend what I read this week too. And to be honest, everything I read could not have come at a better time.

This week I learned about the Dimensions of Learning and how the 8 Learning Management Questions complement eachother to create this dynamic way of teaching or creating effective learning experiences.

This week at work we have undergone a major shift in how we work and using the first DoL about attitudes and perceptions was an enormous help just to survive. Being positive about what I was learning enabled me to a. not go completely insane and b. to actually accomplish meaningful headway.

This week could have been a total nightmare had it not been for the new concepts and methods for dealing with the adversities I was facing. And I think it has given me a great insight into how young students feel when they know they are about to start learning something new. By going in with a positive attitude I think I was able to not only make the adjustments easier for myself but my attitudes and perceptions were rubbing off on those around me too.

Costa's Habits of Mind have also given me a lot to think about. While I like what Marzano has created with the DoL, I feel like if I can combine the elements from both Costa's HoM and Marzano's DoL then I am availing myself to the best of many theories....

Happy studies everyone!

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