Thursday, March 11, 2010

Week Two... I am still surviving.

Another week and what seems like another six million pages of readings to do. Luckily I think I am starting to get a handle on this time management thing. I have worked out a pretty good routine where I can go to work (and not focus on studying for a while), then come and put in a few hours of solid study time. The forums for the course are making it so much easier to gauge where everyone is and also what they are thinking..

This week has really challenged my thinking not just about how I thought I would teach, but also how I have learned best. I think it is an easy trap to fall into especially as a teacher to go with what feels natural and most easy for you as the teacher. But in the end, it isn't my learning that needs to be fostered, it is the learning of the whole.

I guess at the end of all of this I can only hope that as the powerpoint suggests, I can engage my learners.. If I can use the tools available to me, the things surrounding me not just to teach with, but to enhance the learning then I am on the right track.

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