Saturday, March 27, 2010

Woohoo, I think I have got them all..

I think I have managed to track down everyone's blog addresses and started following you all... That sounds a bit creepy doesn't it? If I have missed you, please send me a gentle reminder in the commments and I will fix it up ASAP.

I am still struggling through creating a Wiki, hopefully I get that finished by the weekend. It has been a case of total mental block in that regard. However, I have looked at everyone's Wikis so far and I must say I am very impressed. I think the students of the future are in for a few surprises and some excellent learning experiences if we can maintain this thirst and appreciation of incorporating technology into our classes.

And the advantage of having technologically savvy students means that learning can happen almost anywhere. Students and learning managers alike can share information, ideas and experiences in ways that were never before possible.

We are definitely in for exciting times....

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